
Our Center is supported by the work of our Faculty Director, Faculty Fellows, and Advisory Board, and by our undergraduate research assistants.

Contact us to learn more!


Maria Bueno

Maria Bueno Undergraduate Research Assistant

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Maria (Class of 2026) lives in Miami, Florida and was born in the Dominican Republic. She is studying Finance and Global Affairs with a minor in Korean. She enjoys working at the Notre Dame Deloitte Center for Ethical Leadership, and learning how she, too, can work toward a moral, ethical, and healthy business environment throughout the world.

Ella Ermshler

Ella Ermshler Undergraduate Research Assistant

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Ella (Class of 2025) is from Flossmoor, Illinois, and is studying Management Consulting with a minor in Peace Studies. She is excited about the Center's mission to transform ethical research into usable leadership strategies, and enjoys working with the Center to promote a respectable business world.

Katelyn Wang

Katelyn Wang Undergraduate Research Assistant

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Katelyn (Class of 2025) is from Taipei, Taiwan, and is studying Business Analytics and Global Affairs. She is passionate about working with the Notre Dame Deloitte Center for Ethical Leadership to "Grow the Good in Business".








Our NDDCEL student Research Assistants had a busy, global 2023 summer engaging with companies and communities. 

We are always excited to see the good work of this next generation of ethical leaders!  



RAs Summer 2023