Enroll in Custom Learning
Custom Learning Overview
Soon, you'll be able to dive into learning opportunities designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed for ethical decision-making in our complex world. NDDCEL will offer learners a dynamic blend of theory and practical application on the most innovative and important issues facing today's leaders.
Ethical Leadership for All
Our first custom learning opportunity, coming this spring, recognizes that our organizations flourish when every member feels connected and engaged.
Featuring insights from faculty and industry experts, we will equip you to develop your own capacity for inclusive, ethical leadership, and to develop a toolkit you can immediately put to work in your own organization.
Why Enroll?
By investing in our custom learning opportunity, you will:
Earn a digital badge of completion you can share on LinkedIn or your preferred professional network.
Gain a clear understanding of key issues in ethical leadership.
Learn strategies to handle ethical challenges confidently.
Enhance your decision-making skills with insights from academic research and industry best practices.
Strengthen your leadership abilities to foster a culture of inclusion and integrity.
Ready to Get Started?
Our Inclusive Leadership custom learning opportunity launches in early 2025! Sign up below to be the first to know when enrollment opens.