Skill in enterprise communication, courage to voice values, and willingness to experiment - these are among the "under-appreciated and under-discussed" skills that leaders must embrace for prosperity and impact.
Dan Helfrich, Chair and CEO of Deloitte Consulting LLP, sat down with us to share his insights on cultivating moral courage, finding balance at work, and how ethical leaders can contribute with impact despite the high velocity of today's changing business landscape.

Inspire thinking and spark discussion in your own organization with our question guide below.
When did the importance of ethical decision-making first come into focus for you?
What leadership challenges are unique to today?
What successes at work are most inspiring to you?
What are the most important characteristics of effective, ethical leaders?
How can leaders promote a culture of ethics within their organizations?
What advice do you offer to students studying business, and those early in their careers?
For More:
Check out Dan Helfrich's presentation for the Mendoza College of Business Dean's Speaker Series. Dan reminds students that moral courage is a daily endeavor, and that building ethical leadership starts now. When it comes to recipes for success, daily exercise, a blueberry smoothie, and handling your children's carpool don't hurt either.
Take Action:
Spark conversation at your next retreat or workshop with these question prompts, designed to inspire employees to think like ethical leaders:
Is there a particular moment or incident, whether personal or professional, you can point to in your life that brought what it means to be ethical into sharp focus for you?
Are there any ethical dilemmas or challenging situations you faced in your career that taught you lessons which you still carry with you today?
How do you define ethical leadership? What are the most important characteristics of effective, ethical leaders?
How can leaders promote a culture of ethics within their organizations?
What are 1-2 of the most important challenges facing business leaders today? What gives you hope as you think about meeting these challenges?
Could you describe 1-2 of the success stories associated with your work that are most inspiring to you?